Front End

Quick and dirty - A radical approach to Drupal

How many ways are there to skin a cat?!? Certainly not as many as there are to skin Drupal! But what if there was only ONE way to "theme" Drupal, and it was really easy, extensible, intuitive, and testable? In this session I'll be presenting "Catalyst", a tool for rapid Drupal development (some will call it hacking) and show off a few of the many things that you can produce with it. Catalyst might be described as an inline IDE for Drupal. It has many uses and can be used by pretty much anybody that knows a little HTML, Twig, and CSS.

Track: Front End Experience level: Beginner


Digital Analytics Data Collection Architecture Overview

I will show a concept system with DOM markup for the data collection system to hook onto, then the data collection system performs logic and data cleanup, populates the data layer, triggers appropriate tags, which perform custom logic on data layer elements, then sends to end points. Then I'll discuss the front-end QA and data quality monitoring.

Track: Front End Experience level: Intermediate


Atomic Design in Drupal 8: Isolating your frontend workflow with Pattern Lab!

Drupal 8 has allowed for the integration of modern workflows into the Drupal community. The transition to Twig as the templating engine specifically provides the space to integrate new patterns and tools into your frontend workflow. Pattern Lab is a static site generator that provides a structure for developing a templating and theming framework based on atomic design. The Twig version of Pattern Lab, along with the Data Transform plugin written by Aleksi Peebles, creates the possibility to integrate Pattern Lab directly into your Drupal project.

Track: Front End Experience level: Intermediate


Functor, Monad, and other scary words (that aren't so scary)

Functional programming has a lot of great built in benefits. It allows us to think of our programs in simpler terms, pushing side effects to the edges of our application. It forces us to generally think through what we are solving and the steps to get us there. In this session I will talk about the type classes you can use and build in your JavaScript apps to help you think more functionally.

Some knowledge you'll walk away with:

Track: Front End Experience level: Intermediate


Front End TDD

TDD (Test Driven Development) has been used for a long time and has proven itself to be a strong methodology for building solid applications. In the beginning, you might feel like you are wasting time writing tests, but you will spend much less time later on finding the root causes of problems. More importantly, you can concentrate on small units of code and make sure each unit is of good quality. The numbers of tests will grow with the main code, and essentially, you’ll get early feedback on any problems in your application.

Track: Front End Experience level: Intermediate


Aha! Understanding and Using Render Arrays in Drupal 8

theme() has long been a popular function, but it no longer exists in Drupal 8 and there is no OOP equivalent. If we can’t call theme(), how do we render our data with the Twig templates that we’re all so excited about? Render arrays. While render arrays existed before Drupal 8, they weren’t used as often as they should have been. They’re everywhere now. Unfortunately render arrays are a bit confusing and intimidating until that wonderful “aha moment” hits. This session aims to provide that moment.

Track: Front End Experience level: Intermediate


Jump Start GSAP JS & TimelineLite

GSAP has been the most respected tool in Flash animation for almost a decade. The SWF party's over though man. We're like the 20-somethings at a high school kegger. But wait! Greensock is a here to make us cool again! With GSAP JS and their TimelineLite framework, we can animate like its 1999! Oh, and it's easy. You'll learn how to put your tweens on a timeline. Bend timelines to your will by reversing, slowing and even staggering them. Put timelines in timelines. Be the daddy of animation again. Then pop it in Drupal 8!


Track: Front End Experience level: Beginner